Privacy Policy and Personal data safety

NyuSI - Nuture Sustainable Innovation is committed to the protection of your personal data and respects your privacy on all its websites on the domain.

This privacy policy on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by NyuSI - Nuture Sustainable Innovation is based on the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.

This privacy policy covers all NyuSI’s websites within the domain. You can browse through most of the websites without giving any personal data.  In certain cases though, your personal data may be required for the provision of an e-service.

When personal data is required for that purpose, NyuSI is committed to processing your data in a fair and transparent manner, ensuring confidentiality and security regarding the information requested and ensuring that it will be used only for the purposes expressly indicated and authorized.

Your personal data will only be kept for the period of time necessary to ensure the purpose for which it is intended.

Whenever the collection and processing of your personal data by NyuSI has been based on your consent, please know that you may, at any time, withdraw such consent, simply by sending us your request through the following e-mail:

By providing your personal data to NyuSI, you acknowledge and consent to its processing in accordance with the terms of this Privacy and Personal Data Processing Statement. 
You can always submit any complaint regarding our privacy policy in the processing of your personal data to one of the National Supervisory Authorities.

As part of the application of the General Data Protection Regulation, NyuSI has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can provide clarifications on the personal data protection policy at NyuSI and receive complaints.
The contact details of the Data Protection Officer are as follows:
NyuSI - Nurture Sustainable Innovation
R. Dr. Eduardo Santos Silva, 261, Fração T, 4200-283 Porto, Portugal
E-mail address: