International innovation funding

We are innovation facilitators, supporting international R&D collaboration, innovation and access to funding that can have an impact in sustainability.

We can support all steps of your R&D / innovation process, from conceptualisation, searching funding opportunities, setting up a relevant international consortium, full proposal development to submission.

NyuSI EU funds collaboration projectsNyuSI EU funds collaboration projects
NyuSI EU innovation fundNyuSI EU innovation fund

Our team is highly experienced in the following international funding schemes:

. Clusters and Missions collaborative projects:

o Research and Innovation Actions (RIA)

o Innovation Actions (IA)

. European Innovation Council (EIC) calls (open and challenges):

o EIC Pathfinder

o EIC Transition

o EIC Accelerator

. Innovation Fund

. Eurostars

. LIFE Standard Action Projects (SAP)

. and others

Do you have ideas for innovative projects and are looking for a suitable funding opportunity?

We can help you!

NyuSI EU grants funding freixo
NyuSI EU grants funding freixo
NyuSI EU tenders funding esteva
NyuSI EU tenders funding esteva
NyuSI EU innovation funding trees
NyuSI EU innovation funding trees

European public procurement – EU tenders

Does your organisation want to supply services to the EU?
Are you aware of European public procurement procedures?
Do you need support in setting up a tender application to address EU procurement requirements and specifications?

We can help you!

Our team is also experienced in developing European tenders and can help your organisation to maximise your success chances as a tenderer.

The EU directives on public procurement, whose core principles are transparency, open competition, and sound procedural management, cover tenders that are expected to be worth more than a given threshold. They are designed to achieve a procurement market that is competitive, open, and well regulated – essential to put public funds to good use.
                                                                                          European Union (EU) - European public procurement

NyuSI EU funds EIC Pathfinder
NyuSI EU funds EIC Pathfinder
NyuSI EU funds EIC Transition
NyuSI EU funds EIC Transition
NyuSI EU funds EIC Accelerator
NyuSI EU funds EIC Accelerator

Do you have a project idea?