About us

NyuSI is a recently created company aiming at fomenting innovation that can lead to sustainability.

Our approach builds on the experience of our co-founders with innovation funding (+15 years), which allows our customers to save valuable time.

We have the ability to listen first and, thus, provide services that really matter to our customers.

Quality is of extreme importance to us, while we cherish our customers’ trust.

We are a purpose driven company that believes in innovation as a crucial step for transitioning to sustainability. Sustainability is the only way to create value in the long term.

Innovation facilitators
for sustainability

Team Lead

Started her career in the Academia, developing projects with companies, tech transferring, coordinating training programmes and lecturing multiple subjects related with Environment and Sustainability.
Also worked on the industry side, in an SME exporting over 90% of its production.
Was Head of Innovation Funding in an innovation consultant, where she coordinated and developed multiple projects and tenders.
Closely cooperated with the European Innovation Council (EIC).
EC independent expert for the evaluation and review of European funding proposals. 
Loves to keep learning, walk in the nature and to sing [shower singer :)]


Sandra Moura
Co-founder and Senior Facilitator

NyuSI is governed supported by its Advisory Board.

Do you have a project idea?

With people and for people: Innovating for sustainability | Innovation is both a primary source of systemic environmental and sustainability challenges and an essential element in society’s response to such challenges. Technological innovation, which is a policy priority across Europe, has historically been a major ‘driver of change’ for society and the ecosphere. Although technological innovations deliver a multitude of benefits, they are also associated with significant collateral hazards and new challenges. | Society is undergoing rapid change. Numerous drivers of change interact in a highly complex interplay of human needs, desires, activities and technologies (EEA, 2019a) and contribute to ‘the Great Acceleration’ in human consumption and environmental degradation. The pace of change and the speed of innovation are also accelerating, as indicated by the massive uptake of innovative products and services and the mainstreaming of a technology-driven culture. For example, digitalisation is now part of everyday life for most individuals and for virtually all economic sectors. [https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/with-people-and-for-people]